In 2022, God planted a seed in the hearts and minds of a handful of families… a hope… a vision for what Christian education could be. By His grace, that seed took root, hope flourished, and the dream became a reality. Within a year, Firm Foundations Academy Northwest began educating a generation of students little olive shoots. And the vision grew.

Today, there stands a whole grove of olive trees at Firm Foundations, students who are being faithfully watered, fed and tended by the Great Gardener and a complement of faithful teachers and administrators who pour themselves out daily in hopes of a rich harvest. They labor joyfully, knowing that they are engaged in the most important work under the sun - assisting parents in the education of their children… teaching them to joyfully interact on every level with the world that God has created. 

General Fund

A donation to our General Fund allows the board and administration to determine where your gift will make the greatest impact, directing the funds to best meet the schools needs.


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